Why You Need a Home Inspection
A home is likely the largest purchase you’ll ever make. You want to make sure that the home you have fallen in love with is not only beautiful but also built soundly. That’s where we come in. To insure you are making an informed home-buying decision, make Mitchco Home Inspection Services your first call to determine the condition of the home.
The Mitchco Home Inspection Experience
A Mitchco Home Inspection consists of a thorough evaluation of the readily accessible major elements of a home with a written inspection report documenting findings. Our standard inspection covers key important areas, including all functioning or visible major elements and systems plus associated components. It is conducted following recognized home inspection industry standards (ASHI – American Society of Home Inspectors).
The duration of the inspection typically range from 2 to 3 hours for the average size and typical style house. Before we begin the inspection we will go through what to expect while we are at the home inspecting. During any part of our relationship, you are always free to ask questions. We are here to help you understand your investment.
What We Cover During a Standard Home Inspection
The roof inspection will include the roof covering and visible flashing, as well as any skylights, chimneys, vent stacks and gutters to determine condition.
The inspection of the attic will include structure, ventilation and insulation to determine their condition.
All readily accessible siding or wall-cladding systems, windows, doors, porches, decks, downspouts and stairways will be inspected for condition.
Foundation and Substructure
Accessible load-bearing members and other major structural components found in basements and crawlspaces will be inspected – including the visible foundation, floor slabs, and floor framing – to determine their condition.
The inspection of the interior will include an assessment of the condition of accessible attic areas, stairways, and all visible walls, ceilings, and floors throughout the house.
Central Heating System
The home’s heating system(s), including the heating unit and associated fuel-supply and venting components, as well as visible portions of the distribution system, will be inspected to determine age and operability.
Central Cooling System
The home’s central air conditioning system(s), including visible components of the distribution system will be inspected to determine condition and function.
Plumbing System
All visible components of the water supply, distribution, and waste lines will be inspected for condition and functional flow. The hot-water heating equipment, venting, and fuel-supply systems will also be inspected.
Electrical System
The accessible components of the electrical system, including the service panels and exposed wiring, will be inspected. A representative number of fixtures, switches, and receptacles will also be inspected for function.
Built-In Kitchen Appliances
Major built-in kitchen appliances (including ovens, ranges, cook-tops, and dishwashers) will be inspected for condition and operation.
Inspection Results
Within 24 hours of the inspection, you will be provided an online report documenting the findings of the major elements and systems of the home. You can be confident that it is a truly objective look at the home by an ASHI inspector.